14th July Russian Air Force Sukhoi SU-27 flight simulator


Russian Air Force Sukhoi SU-27 flight simulator Master-class

It is not often that truly unique opportunity comes along but in this instance, we have oneRussian aviation, aviation excursion, flight simulation, become a pilot, top gun for you.

The Aviators Restaurant, in the middle of Moscow city, offers much more than just excellent food, drink and a great venue to share good times with friends.

Sat behind a glass wall is a genuine Russian Air Force Sukhoi SU-27 flight simulator, direct from the SU-27 OCU squadron and now ready for use by amateur aircraft enthusiasts – with suitable training on hand from SU-27 aviators.

The SU-27 is an exceptionally agile air superiority fighter aircraft which has delighted crowds at Air Shows in Russia and the west, with its superb manoeuvrability. Visitors to the restaurant can ‘fly’ the aircraft, NATO designation “Flanker” and attempt a high speed pass under a bridge and even the infamous Pugachev Cobra Manoeuvre; which shocked western military observers when first seen.

All in all this is a truly excellent experience for aviators and enthusiasts alike. As well as enjoy the ambiance and excellent food, Pilots walk away with a DVD recording of their Top Gun exploits!

The meeting is at 12.30h outside Taganskaya metro station

Cost: 4000 rub per person

aviation, excursions focused on aviation, top gun, become a pilot