Архив автора: toursofmoscow

Bell-ringing master class

Moscow has plenty of churches. I checked the statistics and several years ago it was over 1200! 🙂 Russian church architecture and religious traditions are unique and are intrinsic part of our culture. One of the interesting aspects is bell … read more →

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Cartoon making master class

Boys and girls, as well as their parents! Ladies and gentlemen as well as all your friends! This is a fun, exciting and truly unique opportunity to make your childhood dream come true and film your own cartoon! This is … read more →

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16 March Perfume making master class

Perfume and beautiful aromas are accessioned with chic and luxury. Parisian or St Petersburg Palaces with the Queens, Tzarinas, Countesses and other aristocracy come to mind. And indeed, our aroma professionals work and even have jointly written a book with … read more →

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Perfume making master class

Perfume and beautiful aromas are accessioned with chic and luxury. Parisian or St Petersburg Palaces with the Queens, Tzarinas, Countesses and other aristocracy come to mind. As the 8th March, celebrating spring and all the beautiful ladies is not far, … read more →

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21 January Christmas Ornaments Factory + Master Class

In brief:  This is a small family run factory that produces quite unique Christmas ornaments! They came up with an idea and technology to create very unusual for Christmas decorations shapes. At the tour you will learn a lot of … read more →

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1 March Maslenitsa Festival + Troika rides, traditional for this celebrration

The Tour on the 1st  March  is a special, extended program, celebrating the Maslenitsa Festival. After we have completed our Troika rides the fun continues as we commemorate our Pagan past! The 2 March is the last day of Russian … read more →

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22 February Husky Rides

Life in the frozen north We will visit a husky farm close to Moscow where, for an afternoon, we will experience life in thefrozen Artic. Friendly, fluffy Huskies provide transport via a magical sled ride. The sledge seats two and … read more →

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16 February Meeting Elk and Dappled Deer

The territory of the “Elk Island” was first recorded in 1406 ; 160 years later Ivan the Terrible would hunt for bear in the area. The first idea of turning these lands into a national park appeared in 1912, but … read more →

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15 Enter the Russian wild on a snowmobile

ENTER THE RUSSIAN WILD ON A SNOWMOBILE Snowmobiling is almost like riding a motorcycle but on snow, and many would argue it is a lot more fun. Driving through one of Russias silver birch forests on a beast of a … read more →

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9 February Candle-making Master-class

It is always great to learn a new skill 🙂 Making a candle with your own hands is truly special. The candle will «remember» your energy ( I was explained so 🙂  Thus you shouldn’t give it away but keep … read more →

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